Single Image

Images could be used in different ways

Image Popup

Gallery Popup

Video Popup

WeShop - Premium WordPress & WooCommerce theme by Euthemians - powered by Greatives

Image Width

Setting a percentage larger than 100% the image overflows out of the column. The default is the initial image resolution.

Hovers Styles

Several hover styles for your single images. Weshop comes with the same styles as in portfolio overviews and galleries.
WeShop - Premium WordPress & WooCommerce theme by Euthemians - powered by Greatives

Split Text

WeShop - Premium WordPress & WooCommerce theme by Euthemians - powered by Greatives

Text on media

WeShop - Premium WordPress & WooCommerce theme by Euthemians - powered by Greatives

Tilt Media

WeShop - Premium WordPress & WooCommerce theme by Euthemians - powered by Greatives

Cursor Text

WeShop - Premium WordPress & WooCommerce theme by Euthemians - powered by Greatives

Mouse Move